Current Lab Members

Lei Wang, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Department of Bioengineering and Department of Biology

Ph.D. Bioengineering, Colorado State University

Postdoc: Biological Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Fun fact: Lei loves writing, and writes diary to record her life.

Charlie Huh

PhD student @ Bioengineering Department

B.Sc., Bioengineering program @ University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Charlie’s work involves developing genetic circuits to program cells. 

Fun fact: Charlie loves building software/devices and caring for animals/plants. These hobbies inspired his venture into synthetic biology, where he reprograms organisms like living computers!

Edward Fusciello

Undergraduate Bioengineering Student @ Northeastern University 

Edward is concentrating his undergraduate career on cellular, molecular, and tissue engineering.

Fun Fact: Edward enjoys cooking and works as an apprentice baker in the summer.  

Previous Lab Members

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